5 Mistakes in LOL You Should Avoid as a Beginner

League of Legends is one of the most popular games today with more than hundred million users. And what they all have in common is that they want to be as good as possible in this game, reach the highest level and become the best. Today, playing LOL is considered a sport in which you can become a professional and compete for first place under the League of Legends sky. However, if you are a beginner and just starting out on this exciting journey, it can be really challenging for you to make progress. There is so much you need to keep in mind to just keep your character alive, not to mention moving to higher levels and achieving greater success. Therefore, if you are a beginner, it will be useful for you to know what are the most common mistakes you should avoid.

1. Not using ping

Source: crackersna.wordpress.com

When you start playing LOL you need to take the time to learn to use the available tools. While this may seem like a waste of time, the fact is that using certain tools saves you a lot of time and nerves in the long run and allows you to achieve the results you want. If you are not pinging yet, it is time to change that. Pings have a clear purpose – to allow teammates to communicate without having to waste time typing. Every time you stop during the game you increase your vulnerability and the chances that you will become a target of the enemy. The ping test tool is one of the important tools you should start using today. It helps you understand your LOL latency and make a backup plan accordingly. It also enables you to quickly inform your teammates about current events and help them make a good strategy.

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2. You’re wasting time on toxic players

Just like in real life, while playing League of Legends you will meet different people every day. Some of them will be phenomenal teammates, while others will be those called toxic players. This means that during the game they insult others on different grounds, blame other players for a bad combination of circumstances or do other things that will provoke negative emotions. However, don’t let emotions overwhelm you. It is important to be up to the task throughout the game and make sure that things like this do not bother you. The most important mission during the game should be to find a way to function optimally with your teammates in order to reach a common goal. It’s not easy at all, but it’s always worth it, because only that will allow you to get the results you want.

3. Not knowing when to get out of the way

Source: bbc.com

As we mentioned, being there for your teammates is one of the most important things in this game. However, you should not blindly follow this rule, because in some situations it makes no sense to jump into the fight. One of the important skills that beginners in LOL often overlook is knowing when to get out of the way. This means that even if your teammates are in trouble, if you see that the battle is lost, you should not jump into it and risk losing your life. We agree that one of the biggest, most satisfying goals in this game is to kill the enemy. But getting into the lost battle will get you nowhere. Avoid helping your teammates when you see that the battle is lost, because the sad truth is that you cannot help them. Get out of the way and figure out what else you can do, that really can make a difference.

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4. Not focusing on one champion

When you are new to the game it is completely natural that you need to try different champions and figure out which one suits you best. After all, there are so many options. And we suggest you definitely take the time to try out the different options. However, continuing to do this for an extended period of time can do you much more harm than good. After initial enthusiasm and trying out a bunch of different champions it’s time to settle down for one. As League of Legends players like to say: you need to have your main. This means that the best idea is to focus on just a few champions, and then give them time to get to know them and become very skilled when playing with them. If you continue to change the characters, you will not be able to gain a deep understanding of them and reach their full potential. It may be fun to constantly switch champions, but the fun will not take you to the goal you are striving for.

5. Going in the war without your teammates

Source: rur.rs

Another common beginner’s mistake in LOL is separating from teammates and going to war alone. While this may seem exciting at first, we suggest you avoid exploring the undiscovered parts of the map on your own. We agree that it is sometimes necessary to go to war without your teammates, but in such situations, it is crucial that you stay there as short as possible and return quickly to your teammates who can guard your back.

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If you became bored of unranked matches and you want to move on to a ranked game and show what you really know, it is a good idea to buy an oce lol account with AussyELO and enjoy all the benefits it will bring you.

Conclusion: Playing League of Legends is more than exciting, which can be confirmed by millions of players around the world. However, if you are just starting out the whole game can be more overwhelming. There is so much to learn in the beginning in order to just get started, not to mention making some more significant progress in the game. By avoiding the mistakes we listed, you will ensure that you have an advantage in the beginning and prevent having to start the game over and over again, just because you made some kind of basic beginner’s mistake.