2024 Tech Trends and Predictions Developers Should Watch For

2024 has been a defining year for technologies. There have been big winners and big losers, of course. In today’s article, we’ll take a look at several predictions about tech going into 2024 and even further.

1. Remote Work

Source: flexjobs.com

The office is dead. And that’s a great thing both for companies and their employees. No commute, better work-life balance, live where you want, and the list goes on. 2024 forced virtually any company to embrace and implement remote work. Big companies like Microsoft and Facebook are now permanently allowing many of their employees to work from home. This has led to an exodus of people from Silicon Valley to more affordable cities throughout the United States. This might be the reason why such tech giants like Apple or Google no longer require college degrees for software engineers. Overall, when you take a step back, the tech industry has fared much more than virtually every other industry in the new dystopian normal that the pandemic has forced us to live in.

  • It’s never been easier to hire professional app developers. Now that the pandemic continues to impose restrictions on industries and the competition in the web development field becomes fiercer, and you can score a great professional for reasonable money. You can choose to avail yourself of the services of your local IT company or outsource great specialists from other countries and thus save much more without any compromise on quality. To explore hiring opportunities and take a first step towards building a successful solution for your business go to https://litslink.com/hire.
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2. JavaScript Frameworks

Lots of developers keep on saying that JavaScript is no longer a viable framework. Though it’s not totally dead, they’re definitely done reinventing the wheel or innovating, at least in the ways that would change the current status quo. React has been a predominant framework or a library with the majority of the market share. (As long as we pretend jQuery doesn’t exist.) Angular and Vue also remain one of the most popular frameworks developers now opt for to create effective single-page applications.

A bunch of other frameworks like Svelte, Ember, and Lit-Element are also starting to dominate the web development landscape. And experts don’t expect things to change much in the future. When React released hooks back in 2019, people acted like it was going to end world hunger.

Well, hooks are really great, and they inspired Vue’s Composition APIs, which, according to many developers, signaled the end of the JavaScript framework. There’s been a constant push in the JavaScript world to create new releases that do things differently year after year. That led to the awesome JS framework we enjoy today. But it does feel like the constant churn is slowing down. Learn more about the most suitable web app development frameworks here.

3. JavaScript and TypeScript

On a similar note, the JavaScript language itself is pretty much done getting better at this point. JavaScript, especially when used with TypeScript, is a great language to work with by any standard. Over the last five years or so, it has experienced a renaissance with a whole bunch of powerful new features being added to it. But in 2024, things looked pretty quiet for JavaScript. There are a couple of new features finalized like logical assignment operators that allow you to assign a variable if it’s not already defined. In other words, nothing too game-changing here. And if you use TypeScript, you can already use the syntax today. So, the popularity of TypeScript is predicted to grow in the coming years.

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4. Web Apps and Native Apps

It’s also possible to predict that the next year will see the distinction between web applications and native applications blur and become more indistinguishable than ever. And there are two main reasons for that – WebAssembly and a collection of features that we call progressive web applications. WebAssembly is a common target that multiple languages can compile to, which means that you can now build a high-performance web app with languages other than JavaScript. On top of that, the web platform or browsers now have most of the features that used to only be available for native apps. For example, things like push notifications, offline mode, background sync, Bluetooth, and many more. And what this means is you as a developer can deliver a fully native app experience entirely through the free and open platform known as the web. And it really begs the question of why then we are giving Apple or Google 30 % of our revenue to use a closed-off marketplace that supports censorship, unfair distribution, and bans on third-party payment systems. It’s a long way off, but hopefully, developers will see the opportunity of creating progressive web apps with WebAssembly and get consumers comfortable with using apps outside of the app stores.

5. Transparency about Software

Source: bairesdev.com

Even now people that develop solutions for their business or entertainment want to know more about the techs and tools their developers use to create them. And this trend is projected to extend into 2024. This means that app developers will need to be even more transparent about the technologies and stacks they use. What’s more, modern app owners will be more eager than ever to get initiated into the mysteries of the coding, debugging, and testing process. So, as a vendor, you should be ready to provide your clients with a detailed account explaining how this or that solution was built, tested, scaled, and maintained.

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6. Cloud Services

Now that everything and everyone migrate to the cloud, it comes as no surprise that in 2024 the adoption of cloud tech will continue to grow. More and more businesses and big companies will avail themselves of cloud infrastructures. With on-demand computer possibilities, industries will be able to do away with the necessity to establish data centers and hire dedicated specialists to install and maintain expensive equipment. This means more flexibility to work from any location and keeping the number of workstations to a minimum. Plus, by moving to the cloud you solve the scalability problem since this tech enables you to add features, updates, and storage as soon as the need arises.