Top 5 Addiction Treatment Centers in the US

Addiction is not something easy to overcome, especially considering how hard it can be to stick to your resolution once you’ve managed to get through the detox period. In order to overcome the challenge, you need a strong support network and specialists that can dedicate time and effort to your betterment. Unfortunately, this is often simply impossible to ensure at home. Not because of any unwillingness on the part of family members to help. But simply because they do not have the knowledge and training required to do this properly. This goes double for all the potential medical emergencies which trying to overcome addiction can cause. Of course, if you want your loved one to successfully overcome it all, you want to at least make sure that they are getting the best help possible. To help, we’ve prepared a list of the top 5 addiction treatment centers in the US.

1. Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Betty Ford Center is quite a well-known facility for treating addiction to various drugs and alcohol. It is located in California, in the resort community by the name of Rancho Mirage. It was established in 1982 and has produced a ton of results since then in both inpatient and outpatient treatment. So, it is no surprise it’s on our list of the top five addiction treatment centers in the US. Regarding the specifics of the addiction treatment they offer, their services and facilities are pretty holistic. They allow their patients to work on their mental and physical health. Discuss the family history and how to work through it. Even monitor the potential for relapse, and handle many medical necessities. They also do group therapy and wellness activities. Here are animal-assisted programs and even educational lectures on recovery from addiction.


2. New Bridge Foundation

New Bridge Foundation can proudly claim three consecutive years of being ranked among the top addiction treatment centers in the US, all according to surveys performed by Statista in cooperation with Newsweek. The Foundation has over fifty years of experience in the field and is generally considered one of the more affordable treatment options. Interestingly enough, like most entries on our list, this Foundation is located in California, too. Their services, too, are very holistic and this is extremely important due to the multi-faceted nature of addiction. They offer a detox program: both long and short-term residential treatment and even intensive outpatient substance abuse programs. Most significantly, the facilities are equipped to assist veterans and active-duty soldiers suffering from substance abuse due to trauma and disorders.

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3. Archstone Behavioral Health

Archstone Behavioral Health is a bit of a standout on our list of top addiction treatment centers in the US, if only because it is actually located outside of California! The rehab center is in South Florida and offers a variety of effective and provably reliable substance abuse treatment programs. They offer partial hospitalization, medical detox and residential treatment. Even a specialty track tailored to the patient! Their specialty track is unique in that the experts of value cultural sensitivity, the context of family systems, cultural norms and beliefs. They use all these to better understand their patients and to tailor a recovery program which best meshes with their values and guarantees good results. Including, of course, understanding concerning special dietary needs, religious holidays, and other such concerns. More information on their unique approach can be found on.


4. Wellness Retreat Recovery Center

Making for yet another California-based addiction treatment center that deserves widespread recognition is the Wellness Retreat Recovery Center located between Santa Cruz and San Jose. This particular recovery center stands out due to the natural beauty of its surroundings, and the views patients can enjoy as they work on steps to sobriety or recovery from other substance abuse. The Wellness Retreat Recovery Center also has a unique and effective approach to designing treatment tracks. They match specific individuals and their needs. This ensures maximum effectiveness and goes a long way toward ensuring that a relapse will not happen. Or at least minimize the chances of one as much as possible. The center also offers a variety of therapeutic techniques once the detox phase is over. They help take their minds off things. As well as improve their physical condition through a measured and mild approach that won’t overwhelm them.

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5. Oro House Recovery

The final of the top addiction treatment centers in the US we recommend you consider is Oro House Recovery. Oro House Recovery Center is in two locations. Namely, Malibu and Los Angeles, California. The same surveys we mentioned before, by Newsweek and Statista, have also labeled Oro House Recovery as one of the best in their field. Why? Well, even if you learn all you can about battling addiction and look up other treatment centers, you will find few as qualified for treating the first steps of the detox process. The centers specialize in crisis intervention and drug and alcohol detox. They also boast of some of the most impressive dual diagnosis treatments of addiction and mental health combined you can possibly find to help your loved ones. Of course, they also have impeccable residential and outpatient treatment programs, as well as aftercare and alumni programs.


Final comment

We hope that with the assistance of these top 5 addiction treatment centers in the US, you or your loved ones will be able to overcome the horrors of addiction. With their support, you will have the best chance to see this happen. And they will be there with you every step of the way to make sure that nothing goes wrong, physically or mentally, during the detox and recovery process. The time ahead will not be easy. But you will be able to overcome it all and once more claw your way back to a normal and happy life, hopefully with as few long-term consequences as possible.

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