The goal of an automated home security system is to provide powerful, flexible, cost-effective, and easy to implement design using multiple current technologies. A major working of this system is shifted to mobile phones for the sake of the user’s safety and convenience. The prime purpose of the system is to forward an alert to the respective user when it detects unusual movement, smoke arising due to fire, gas leakage, and detect burglary. All of this activity is enclosed in a portable application. While leaving the house this application enables the user to choose to turn on respective alarms. A home surveillance feature is also offered by the system. GSM feature allows the user to roam around the world and at the same time keep a check and balance over his property.
The core reason to design this system is to provide a secure, comfortable, and flexible environment to the users. This automated security system is getting famous worldwide. However, to monitor and control this portable system, one needs an active internet connection along with a portable device. The best device for the purpose is a tablet or a mobile phone.
With every passing day, new aspects of the world of technology are being explored. So is the case in-home security system. This system is a complete package, which offers:
-Wide area coverage
GSM network is spread all over the world. Hence, help people and devices interact with each other globally. This core feature contributes a lot tothe automated home security system, and this feature is embedded in almost every second application. For further details, check here.
-Very short response time
Most of the unexpected incidents result in greater loss, due to long response time. As soon as one will get to know about the bad news, lesser will be the damage. This problem is catered to in this system, as the response time is reduced to milliseconds.
-Emergency alarm
Both kinds of alarms are offered by the home security system, either the user can use a regular alarm system or can shift to alert messages, depending upon his budget.
-User-friendly interface
Though most people are now familiar with smart devices, still user-friendly interface is a priority. Moreover, when a tablet-like device for security purposes is placed on a wall, it appears as an ordinary wall hanging, whereas behind the scenes, it’s getting the job done.
-Small size
All the components required for a home security system are embedded in one device. Due to this property, the size of the device is decreased to such an extent, that one can even carry and place it anywhere.
-Low cost
Multiple packages related to the system are available in the market. Some companies offer long term plans, whereas others offer short term plans and some of both. Users can choose the company and the product as per requirement.
-IoT based
One of the techniques to access the home security system from anywhere, any time is the IoT based approach. Without it, this whole automated home security system could have collapsed. It takes care of all the messages being generated.
-Voice call based
A small voice message could be recorded by the user, which will be sending to the police at the need of the hour. This will save both time and possessions, without being noticed by the intruder.
-SMS (Short Message Service) based
This feature is used to send alarm by alarm companies to the respective user. However, when the user is in an important meeting, he/she can turn off this feature as per their requirement.
In the past, the responsibility of home security was allotted to the guard. And this manual service had a lot of drawbacks. After some time there came an alarm system to secure the house. Although it was better than the human workforce at the same time it had its shortcomings too. Finally, developers came across an improved automated home security system, which works within no time and helps to handle the situation before things get out of hand. This system is full of positive aspects and is doing the job so far so good.
A wide area is covered by wireless technology. One can be informed about the mishap within milliseconds via an alarm. This alarm is not the conventional alarm, one we’ve been using throughout our life. Rather, it’s an alert message generated upon the application installed in the respective device. All this happens so quickly and most of the task is done automatically, therefore, it results in a reduced crime rate. The security of the application installed in a roaming device is ensured via a password.
While choosing a company for the home security system, read the contract consciously. Because most of the companies make the customers sign a long term contract. This contract cannot be withdrawn, just in case, the customer doesn’t like the service or so. At the same time come companies hand over their clients to third party companies which fail to meet the standard promised by a certain company.
The only solution to this problem is to choose a company which is working for a longer time in this field. Or you can look for a company with a loyal customer. Both aspects go hand in hand. Loyal customers can only be gained over time. The customer must have all the rights to fire the company as soon as it fails to stand by its words.
A clear comparison of multiple packages should be presented to the customers so that they can make a choice easily as per their requirements. No forced actions should be imposed on the customers by the company, such as buying unnecessary types of equipment. Moreover, a customer should be aware of equipment expense and service expense.