16 Cool Apps on Your Phone You Didn’t Know Existed

Few people know that more than 3,000 mobile apps and games are released every day. Unfortunately, with such a vast number of tools, it’s easy to get lost and lose sight of helpful cell phone apps.
Today we’re going to tell you about apps that you can’t find in popular charts and rankings, but that will help you solve many life’s problems. For them, you won’t feel sorry for the space in your cell phone! Instead, consider apppearl suggestions to discover more useful applications.

1. Cluise – Virtual Wardrobe mobile app

Source: venomafashionfreak.com

It’s easy – take a picture of your closet, and the system selects for you a fashionable look for every day. The program will take into account your style, degree of importance, and weather.

2. Wi-Fi Map Pro mobile app – Wi-Fi passwords around the world

With this application, you’ll have access to a massive community of people around the world who share Wi-Fi passwords. Easy!

3. Fyuse mobile app – taking 3D photos

If you love taking three-dimensional photos – this tool will come in very handy. The application allows you to create “deep” pictures with a parallax effect. The camera captures the frame from 4 points to make an accurate 3D photo.

4. iBattery – saving battery power

Source: techradar.com

To make sure your smartphone can live without charging for days, install this application for yourself. It blocks unnecessary apps and disables features you don’t use, saving your phone’s resources.

5. App in the Air mobile app – a travel assistant

The tool will make air travel a lot easier for you. It knows how to remind you about flights, delays, check-in beginning, and monitors the queues. In addition, it helps you navigate in an unfamiliar airport, tells you where you can sleep, eat, connect to Wi-Fi, etc.

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6. Stocard mobile app – discount cards

The application will allow you to get rid of a dozen cards in your wallet, download discount cards from famous stores, and use them for shopping.

7. BBC Earth: Life in VR BBC Earth: Life in VR

BBC Earth: Life in VR - California Coast | Launch Trailer | Google Daydream

Perhaps there isn’t a person who wouldn’t be interested in looking into the ocean’s underwater world. But, of course, in reality, swimming with sperm whales and tracking the migration of squids is unlikely. But thanks to the project, everyone can plunge into the underwater world, and by the way, for free. Discover the California coast and the ocean full of life. BBC Earth: Life in VR not only lets you encounter whales but also microscopic zooplankton and see how big mammals hunt and what sea otters do.

8. Elements

An application that creates unusual images using automatic pattern generation algorithms and cell phone camera shots. The system averages the indicators from the camera calculates the average color – and uses it to draw new lines on the created image.

9. Photomath

If you’re a student and have trouble solving math problems, you need to know about this app. Photomath is one of the best unknown apps. This anonymous application uses artificial intelligence to solve math problems.

Take a picture of the math problem, and the app will solve it automatically. As a result, this app will do you more good, especially when preparing for math competitions or college exams.

10. Dayilo

Source: blog.en.uptodown.com

Dayilo is another unknown app. You can get tips on how to take care of yourself with this tool. It also has a feature that helps track your happiness, social life, sleep, health, chores, hobbies, and food. Amazing, isn’t it?

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Dayilo even helps you set goals for everything. That way, you won’t have to worry about sleeping and waking up when you want to, whether you’re eating well or even dreading overexerting yourself at work because Dayilo will also be there to keep you in check.

11. QuickLyric

QuickLyric is also one of the best apps that you know nothing about. It’s a third-party app that will help you find the lyrics to any song or music you want.
Another exciting feature is that once installed, it doesn’t take up much space.

12. TubeMate

Another exciting app you can use to download videos.

Tubemate is one of the best unknown apps you can comfortably use to download videos from any significant Android app or social media apps like Facebook and Instagram. With Tubemate, you can be sure to get your favorite videos!

13. RPG In Real Life

Source: unsplash.com

The RPG In Real Life app is a game to keep you motivated in your self-development. The character you need to develop and earn points is yourself. Obtain points by performing specific tasks, ranging from sports and the study of sciences to the purchase of clothing. But it is worth noting that the effectiveness of this application depends solely on your honesty with yourself.

14. PhotoPills and SunSurveyor

These are two apps at once that do about the same thing. This time we’re talking about the essential tools for photographers. Good light for these guys is half the battle for successful photography. The information provided by PhotoPills and SunSurveyor makes life a lot easier for photographers. Based on geolocation results, the software tells on which side and when on a particular day the sun will set or rise, what the moon will be doing, and how best to position the camera. Photographers have 2D, 3D planning as well as virtual reality at their disposal.

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TEDICT is an app for those who want to understand English better. An option is to study in this app. You are asked to write a dictation based on TED lecture recordings. You already have slots where you have to insert the letters – your task is to hear the phrases correctly and write them in. Great for developing listening comprehension, and instead of boring listening to some IELTS you listen to beautiful TED lectures.

16. History: Maps of the World

Source: mallibone.com

This app is an incredible service that combines history and geography into one, allowing you to immerse yourself in maps of the past and present as you travel through different times.