6 Best Things to do in Hamilton

One of the first things that you should know about Hamilton is that it is the most significant industrial center of Canada. Most of the facilities still operate in the Hamilton port area, nonetheless, the city does offer various areas of stunning and mesmerizing natural beauty that you can explore, as well as numerous cultural locations including museums, amazing restaurants, and of course, bars.

If you’re thinking about visiting Hamilton or if you have to head there for an extended business trip, you might also be thinking about all the places that you must see while there. Although there are hundreds of places and locations that we could recommend, we’ll only mention the top 6 things that you must do while there. Here is what you can – and should – opt for:

1. Head to The Royal Botanical Gardens

Source: theheartofontario.com

The Royal Botanical Gardens is officially a part of Burlington, nonetheless, you should definitely include it on your to-do list while in Hamilton, especially since it’ll only take you approximately 15 minutes to get there. The gardens cover an incredible area of nearly 2.500 acres, and once there, you’ll be capable of seeing more than 1.150 types of plants, most of which are native to this particular region. There are also rare and endangered plant species there, ones that you might not be able to see anywhere else in the world.

Now, keep in mind, if you like bird watching, you’ll enjoy your time in the Royal Botanical Gardens, mostly because you can expect to see a wide range of bird species throughout the year. In fact, there are over 250 species living there. Since it’s incredibly large, it’s split into several smaller areas, hence, if you don’t have time to visit the entire place, you can choose to visit specific areas that are appealing to you.

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2. The Hamilton Waterfalls Are a Must-See

Source: cntraveler.com

If you’re like me, you most likely enjoy spending a lot of your time outside surrounded by nature, and if so, you must ensure that you visit Hamilton’s waterfalls that are comprised of more than 100 waterfalls located close to Niagara. One of the most popular waterfalls is called the “Albion Falls”, but it’s most commonly referred to as the “Lover’s Leap Falls”. Since it’s impossible to see all of them, you should do some digging, and determine which ones you’ll see and which ones you might want to leave for next time.

3. Rent a Limo That’ll Take You Sightseeing

Source: a1alimo.com

Another interesting thing that you can do is to rent out a limousine that’ll take you to all the sightseeing spots in the city. Besides allowing you to have a fun time, a limo is a perfect means of transportation if you’ll be traveling with several of your friends or family members. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, there is a wide range of museums and art galleries that you can visit while in the city, hence, you can choose to arrive there in style with a Hamilton limo if you visit libertyhamiltonlimo.ca

4. Check Out Canada’s Largest Military Collection

Source: groupon.com

While riding in your limo, you can ask your chauffeur to take you to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, the place where Canada’s biggest historic military collections are located. It’s located at the international airport, and while there, you’ll be able to learn about the history of Hamilton, but you’ll also enjoy seeing 47 military airplanes that were used during World War I. Besides this, there are modern jet aircrafts that you could see as well.

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Now, you should know, the most popular attraction at this museum is “Avro Lancaster”, one of the two iconic World War II bomber planes that are still completely functional today. There are other historic and rare airplanes that you can see there, thus, if you’re a history buff, this museum needs to be on your sightseeing list. If it’s possible, you might also want to find the time to watch the annual air show that the museum organizes.

5. Don’t Forget About Bayfront Park

Source: wikimedia.org

The very first thing that you should know about this location is that it has been considered an industrial wasteland in the past, however, since the country implemented various regeneration schemes, you can now enjoy the Bayfront Park and all the amazing things it has to offer to tourists. Besides trails for walking, there are also trails for bicycles, hence, if you want to, you and your travel companions can also rent out a bike.

There are more than 1.500 meters of shoreline that features natural fish ecosystems, there is also a sandy beach that is perfect if you’re traveling with your children, and you could also opt for taking a boat trip that’ll take you all over the park. Now, if you want to fish there, you should ensure that your permit is up-to-date since if it isn’t, you could end up with a huge fine that’ll make your vacation quite expensive.

6. Try Some Incredible Food And Beverages

Source: justacote.com

Last on our list, but equally as fun and important as all the other things we’ve mentioned in the list above is the fact that you should visit some restaurants and bars while in Hamilton. Now, the restaurants and bars you opt for going to will entirely depend on your preferences, thus, before you head to the city, make sure that you do some digging and see which eateries might suit your preferences and wants.

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Whether you need to go on a business trip to Hamilton or if you simply want to see all the natural beauty it has to offer, there is a wide range of things that you can choose to do while there. From visiting some of the most mesmerizing waterfalls that you’ll see to heading to a wide range of museums, one thing is for sure, you won’t be bored while there.

Since you’ve now learned what incredible places and sightseeing spots you can visit while in Hamilton, you really shouldn’t waste any more of your time. Instead, you should browse through our list one more time and then create a sightseeing spot list of the places you want to see and explore while in this Canadian city.