6 Things to Know About Visa and Passport Photo Requirements

The documents with which you cannot leave your country are definitely your visa and passport. As these are two completely different documents, there is also a slightly different procedure for both.

A visa is a document for entering and staying within the territory of a country, and it is actually needed as a confirmation that you will not immigrate to the country you are coming to illegally. The main difference between a visa and a passport is that some countries do not require a visa for a short-term stay on their territory.

The passport lasts for 10 years, while the duration of the visa depends on what you need it for, so it can last only one month, but also 5 years. Generally, you can enter a country without a visa, but without a passport, you cannot.

But what you certainly cannot do without is a picture for these two documents. As well as the difference in the intended use, the type of photo required for these two documents also differs. Although there are things that are the same, it is still important to know all the requirements when it comes to getting photographed.

So here is some information you need to know before picking up these documents:

1. The size of the photo

Source: ams-photo-software.com

In America, the size is exactly the same for both photos. Therefore, it is possible to have the same image on both documents. However, if you need a visa for Canada, for example, I’m afraid you will have to adjust the size.

For Canada, the rule is that the size of the photo for a passport is 50mm x 70mm, and for a visa, 35mm x 45mm. This is an indication that different rules apply to each country, so you must do additional research before you go to apply for these documents so that you are not denied just because of this little thing.

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Fortunately, there are apps that can make this whole process easier for you, for example, to expand or crop photos to the desired size.

Be that as it may, you’ll still have to be careful with these!

2. Period of time

When it comes to the time period that has passed since the picture was taken, it is important that it is no longer than 6 months. Therefore, the photo you have chosen for the visa or passport should be as recent as possible.

This rule is valid for all countries and also applies when the documentation expires. If there are 6 months left until your documentation expires, you need to apply for a new one.

3. Resolution

Source: digitaltrends.com

The resolution is the same for both. It MUST be of high quality and it is recommended that digital photos have a resolution of at least 300 pixels per inch. The size should be 600 x 600 pixels.

If your photo is blurry, grainy or pixelated – it’s unusable. There is no chance you will be able to get a new document with a blurry photograph.

4. Wasted time

Keep in that that this thing will last for a while. Setting up the background, choosing the clothes and taking the picture until you nail the right angle can take a lot of time.

Although this is not a technical piece that offers you information, we still think it is important for you to know that there is a solution to all your problems.

Namely, today, when technology has advanced more than ever, there are sites that offer you to take a picture of yourself in a quick and easy way.

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That’s why we recommend aipassportphotos.com primarily to make sure you cover all the necessary requirements, and then also to save yourself the stress and wasted time.

5. Clothing and accessories

Source: maxphoto.co.uk

There are rules that apply equally to both documents. So here are a few you should remember:

  1. Glasses

If you wear them for medical reasons, you must first get a confirmation from your doctor so that you can take pictures with them. At the same time, you need to wear glasses that do not have tinted lenses so that your eyes can be seen. Glare on eyeglasses should be avoided, too.

  1. Hats and caps

None of these must be on your head when taking pictures. Of course, there is an exception here when it comes to medical and religious purposes. If this is the case, you need to obtain a certificate from a doctor or fill out an additional form when applying for these documents. Your face must be seen from chin to forehead clearly, so some things must be adjusted.

  1. Clothing

Our advice is to choose a black shirt. Something that is neutral. Uniforms or costumes are not allowed, so if you don’t own a black T-shirt, choose the clothes you wear every day. The turtleneck could be avoided because the chin must be visible in the picture. It is important to make a contract with the background when choosing clothes.

6. Appearance of the photograph

The photo must be in color. Besides, the lighting must be good, because those that are too dark or have shadows are rejected.

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So, forget about contouring.

When it comes to printing, there aren’t any particular requirements other than the fact that it needs to be high-quality. If you need to print the picture all by yourself, just visit a local photo stop and get it made.

Behind you should be a plain background with no details. It is recommended that the background be white or pastel. Not dark or flashy at all.

Your face must be in the center of the photo. But at the same time, you shouldn’t be too close or cropped in. The color of your skin must also represent your actual skin


Effects or beautification programs aren’t allowed. Your face must be identical to the photo.


In order to make sure that you have done a good job, make sure to check whether you have done everything that was stated or just simply find a site that will do it for you.