Speech on Leadership Qualities

In the words of John C Maxwell, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

Leaders are the people that make the difference between success and failure. A leader is someone who has a futuristic vision and can turn his ideas into success stories. But who is a leader? What are the qualities that a good leader possess?

speech on Leadership Qualities

Once Dwight.D.Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States, said: “The supreme quality of leadership is unquestionably integrity.” He believed that no real success is not possible, anywhere without this quality. A good leader will always be honest and will have integrity. That makes their followers honest as well. When leaders stick to their values and core beliefs, they succeed and that is not possible without ethics.

Others won’t follow your command if you are not confident. If you are unsure about your choices and decisions, if you are not confident enough by them, your followers will doubt you. A good leader is assertive but not overconfident.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams said that. This is the most difficult quality to be found in leaders. A good leader must always set a good example. Your positive approach must be seen in your actions.

If you want your team to give their all and look up to you, you have to do that too. They will do as you do. When they slack off, fill them with passion and energy. If the leader is committed to the cause, so will be the team. And communication plays a vital role in this. So, it is safe to say that a good leader must be able to communicate clearly and efficiently. If you can’t convey your dreams, visions, and hopes to your team, they will never feel the purpose behind your words. Words are powerful. They can motivate people as nothing else can.

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A good leader must be able to make the right decisions even in the most confusing and difficult time. And you must stand by the decisions you have made. A wise person once said that a leader has to take the blame more than his fair share and receive less credit than he is liable for. A leader is accountable for the entire team but it’s also the job of the leader to make sure that everyone in the team is accountable for each of their jobs. If they do a good job, appreciate them. If they make a mistake, help them realize it and work with the team to improve their performance.

A leader is not the one who does all the work himself. Leaders should be able to concentrate on their main responsibilities. For the rest of the work, he should be able to delegate. Micromanaging everything your team does will create a lack of trust. Empower them a little to help them perform the tasks and you will have a strong team behind you.

A clear difference between a leader and a follower is innovation. A good leader is creative and innovative and empathizes with those who follow. Empathy closely connects the leader to the team. A good leader must have all these qualities to set a good example to others and leave a mark on the world of leadership.