bully at school

Best Ways to Prevent Bullying in Your Classroom – How to Act

You have the responsibility as an educator to ensure that every student is safe and healthy in your classroom. This means that you have to not only address bullying regularly, but also create a culture where everyone is respected and treated with dignity.

Bullying can cause lasting damage to an educational environment, whether it is through physical altercations or gossip. Preventing school bullying has become a priority for educators. If you are bullied for being not smart enough, use DoMyHomeworkNow to show the high-quality paper work you can submit. These are 17 ways to create a positive and safe environment for your students.

Bullying: Talk about it

teacher talking

img source: brightspotcdn.com

Your students should be aware of bullying. Instill empathy, and Emotional Intelligence. Make sure your students are aware of the consequences for bullying other students at school. Bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. You might consider adding to your school’s bullying policy by establishing guidelines for your classroom that emphasize respect and kindness.

Be visible throughout the day

You should make sure that your students can see you in any place bullying could occur. This includes the bathroom, hallways, and lunchroom. If possible, you might also want to be visible at school buses during lunchtime and recess. Make sure that your school is aware of all bullying hotspots.

Bullies are often opportunists. They are opportunists. They will wait until it is clear to target another student. Students shouldn’t bully each other.

Watch out for Bullying Indicators

Bullying Indicators

img source: bbci.co.uk

You should be able to identify the most common forms of bullying and cyberbullying indicators. Be aware that girls and boys bully in different ways. Boys may use physical bullying, while girls might bully another student in relational bullying.

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You should look for “gateway indicators.” These are the first behaviors students exhibit that can lead to more serious bullying. Rolling eyes, laughing out loud, making jokes, sarcasm, turning their backs on others and making jokes are all possible indicators. These behaviors may be a sign that you need to look closer. You might be witnessing subtle forms of bullying.

Empower Student Bystanders

Encourage your students to be role models. Encourage them to speak out against bullying or to report it directly to you or another adult. Research has shown that bullying stops when someone takes a stand. Provide safe and confidential ways for them to report bullying incidents.

Keep your ear to the ground

Victims of bullying often feel embarrassed or afraid to speak out. You may have to rely on your fellow students to alert you when bullying is taking place. Check in with your class leaders at the beginning of each school year to identify them. They can be your eyes and ears when they are not there.

Make it easy for them to notify you of any potential problems. Being called a snitch is not something any student wants. You must make it easy for them to access the information without the other students knowing.

Keep the lines of communication open

Try to establish a relationship with your students. Learn to get to know each student as an individual. Ask each student how it is going every day. Look out for signs they may be suffering from bullying. Find out as much information as possible about their interests and goals. If they’re struggling, you can offer support and direct them to resources that meet their needs.

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Parent Awareness of Bullying Increased

Parent Awareness

img source: raisingchildren.net.au

Involve parents in bullying prevention programs. PTA/PTO meetings and conferences, newsletters, social media, and other means can increase awareness. Encourage parents to support bullying intervention strategies and school rules. Report bullying incidents to your school immediately if a parent does so. To reduce bullying in your classroom, you can partner with parents.

Prevent Cliques in Your Classroom

You can help stop social cliques forming in your classroom by assigning students to groups during group projects. Bullying opportunities can be created when kids are allowed to choose their own groups. This allows cliques and children to form stronger groups, and creates opportunities for them to isolate others.

You are helping your students to learn how to work with people outside of their own circle of friends by selecting the group. Students can also learn to work with other types of people by choosing pre-selected groups.

Be an anti-bullying advocate

Make sure your school has effective antibullying policies and goals. Discuss with your staff how to create a culture where bullying students is held accountable, and not the victim. People mistakenly believe victims of bullying are the ones responsible. Bullies should never be blamed for their bullying behavior. Encourage others to adopt this mindset.

Build community

Build community

igm source: sustainingcommunity.com

Encourage a sense of community within the school and classroom. Schools can reduce bullying incidents and improve school climate. This will help students feel part of a larger community. It also helps to facilitate healing for those who have been bullied.

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Students perform better when they feel connected to their school and their teachers. Your students should feel connected to you and your school. You can create a sense of belonging in your team and students will learn to support each other.

Bullying: Respond quickly

You must immediately address bullying if you notice it. Do not normalize bullying by saying “kids will still be kids.” This sends the message that bullying is acceptable.

Bullying can escalate and kids will feel less safe at school. Bullies expect victims to remain silent about their bullying. Surprise them by calling them out. If they are disciplined, bullying is not an effective tool.

Your effectiveness as an educator will be improved if you take steps to stop bullying in the classroom. Bullying can distract your students from learning, especially when they are worried about being the next target.

It is important to take steps early to ensure that bullying is not tolerated. Your students will be more receptive to bullying if you deal with it consistently and effectively. Students will lose faith in teachers and individuals who turn a blind eye towards bullying.