How To Write An Effective College Essay In A Hurry

How many times have you not organized your time well for some reason? You’ve probably been in this situation many times – especially if you’re in college. So many things to do during the day, that sometimes you simply forget things such as the deadline for writing an essay. When you realize that, then you start to panic and wonder if you will even manage to write it on time. Everything is possible when you want it – and so here is the answer to how to write an effective college essay when you’re in a hurry.

You Forgot About Writing An Essay And Now You Have A Tight Deadline? That’s not a problem!

Student life is very dynamic. So many things you need to do – but there must be time for fun and socializing as well. That is why it is not surprising that sometimes students are forgetful or they leave some of the things for later. Finally, when they are pressed by tight deadlines, they hold onto their heads – and wonder if they will even manage to complete some of the tasks such as writing an essay. Is there a way you can write an essay in a short time? Don’t worry, everything is possible when you have goodwill and a little help from aside. And it’s fine to ask Bestcustomwriting for a help, especially when you’re in a hurry.  So, we’ll give you some suggestions on how to write a good essay, even if your writing deadline is short.

Why Are We Late With Writing Essays?


Ugh, this is a good question for most college students. Simply put, everything else seems to be a priority to students. However, this is not always the case. Reasons for delays in writing an essay can be different. We will list some of them.

  • Unclear essay topic

Most often it is a topic that is complex or not clear enough to the student. Then there is the delay for the simple reason – students think that over time they will be able to get to the heart of the matter. This is a big mistake, because if you don’t start clarifying the topic in time – you will hardly succeed in it later under the pressure of a short deadline.

  • Poorly made schedule

The second most common reason for procrastination is the poor schedule or poor organization of your time. Quite simply, a large number of students are not able to plan their time well. However, keep in mind that good work habits and organization are learned during school – and later they will be essential in your work, no matter what career you pursue.

  • You don’t have adequate sources for the topic – or you need someone’s validation

Finally, there are those students who do not know how to research well the sources they need to use to write an essay or those who need feedback as a validation to write and work in the right direction. That can also make us lose time instead of writing essays on time.

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Can You Write An Essay When You Are In Hurry?

Now that we know what things most often lead us to be late with writing an essay, we need to consider possible solutions to this problem. Of course, most students will say that all this takes some time. And what to do now when you have almost reached the deadline? The deadline for submitting an essay is so close, and you are in a panic. Are there any solutions? Of course, there are!

  • Make A Good Plan And Stick To It


According to the time you have left, try to make a good working plan. Determine the exact time you need to research. Also, make basic theses around which you will be able to build your future essay. Keep in mind all the elements of the essay, such as introduction, elaboration, and conclusion – and make sure you don’t skip any of them. Put the essential facts on paper – but change them so you can explain them in your own words. Later, while writing, you will be able to style it quite easily. If the essay also requires a statement of your personal opinion, take the time to think about it – so that you can clearly explain your way of thinking in the essay. Finally, when you make a good plan and work schedule – stick to it and do not allow any kind of distraction from the side.

  • Search Online For “Friendly Help”

If you are in a situation where your deadline is so tight that you can’t write an essay under such pressure and submit it about the deadline – don’t fall into despair right away. Fortunately, we live in the age of the Internet and online communication, where various services are available to us – including online help with writing essays. According to, by searching online you can find platforms or various forums where you can find essay writers who can help you master your task. Experienced writers you can find will be ready to help you – because (unlike you) they are already used to working under pressure, and their experience is huge. Therefore, if the situation is urgent – seek help both in advice and in the concept or writing of the essay.

  • Find And Use All The Resources Available To You


Writing an essay under pressure and in a short time is not easy – especially if you want to write a good essay. Therefore, it is very important to use all the resources available to you. However, these resources are mostly located on different sides – so it is sometimes difficult to have them clear and in one place. That means an additional waste of time for you – and you don’t want that. Therefore, start collecting your resources on time – and save them in a certain format where it will be easier for you to use them when you write.

  • No Matter The Pressure You Suffer – Don’t Plagiarize

This is very important because if you happen to plagiarize a text – it is useless that you even spent your time and nerves writing it. We can assure you that everyone, especially professors – is almost allergic to the fact that they find plagiarism among student papers and essays. Therefore, process every fact in your own words, even if it sounds less stylish. The original is always the original after all!

  • Get Rid Of Anything That Distracts Your Attention And Disrupts Concentration


If you are still determined to finish your essay on time, no matter how tight the deadline is – then the best thing is to get rid of everything that can disturb your concentration while writing. Therefore, turn off the TV, turn off your smartphone – because you certainly do not want frequent calls and text messages to distract you every ten seconds. Today we are all greatly influenced by technology and it is almost impossible not to look at the TV or phone screen if something draws our attention. When you are working on writing your essay and you have a very tight deadline for it – it is very important to focus all your attention on the work and not let anything distract you.

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The Bottom Line

Don’t despair if you find yourself in a situation where you realize that your deadline for writing an essay is too short. This happens to many, even the best students. It is important to understand what we do wrong and why we waste our valuable time. You should also learn that there is a solution to every problem – even for writing a college essay when you’re in a hurry. We hope you find our suggestions useful and that you will manage to write your essay in time.