Speech on Racism for Students

Racism is a scourge in any society. Here’s a collection of short speeches on racism, which will help you deliver a speech or presentation on this topic.

speech on racism

1. Speech on Racism

Racism is the discrimination of people of a different race, according to many dictionary definitions. Ironically, scientists believe homo sapiens are the same race with nuances in people’s evolution. In effect, racism is discrimination of people of different slight variations which are often common to the country they originated from. Racism is prevalent in all countries at some time by some people. Today it is a crime in most countries by law. It is illegal in many countries to write discriminatory words that are racist. It is a crime in most countries to behave discriminately in fields of education and employment. As a student, I respected all of my classmates and their traditions, I was also lucky enough to use writingapaper.net, so I could improve my academic performance.

The virtues of tolerance. Tolerance is a key word today with regards to differences of skin color, origin, and ethnicity. Equal rights are an equally important sentiment which is a universal phrase for highlighting the equality between different nuances of people.

The ‘out-group’ perception rising to racism: Ever since mankind has kept records, people of different nationalities have settled in different countries for work, slavery or as invaders. Groups of workers or descendants of slaves can still call as outsiders or foreigners in a racist manner – which is now a crime in most nations. This racism creates an out-group mindset making them feel like aliens.

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Racism due to diversity of identity: In some parts of the globe, old and narrow-minded societies consider people inferior or superior on the basis of their skin color, living habits and place of origin. Intolerance is frowned on in educated countries. After all, can anyone choose the way they look? Or from which ethnic origin they came from?

Racism in employment: for thousands of years the rich have sought cheap or free labor. Romans used slaves two thousand years ago and a few hundred years ago slavery from Africa was popular among European nations. These days the rich still seek cheap labor. Those of the poorest nations are often employed by businesses from richer countries to carry out menial work like fishing and baby care. Stigmas can then be fostered about the lowest paid. A good example is cheap care from the Philippines or fishing menial workers from Myanmar.

Respect for our fellow man would stop the cruelty of racism and breed fairer nations. What is clear is the rule of law and education plays a major part in ridding the evils of racism.

Written by E.G.Price (Author of The Zambezi Allies)

2. Racism: The Greatest Evil In Societies

Have you ever judged people because they are from a certain country or belongs to a certain race? Have you ever felt every eye on you knowing that you are being continuously observed and judged? If you haven’t been through this, just imagine how would you like it? Not even a bit, right? So, if we don’t like it, we should never do it to someone else.

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Racism can raise its ugly head in many places. It may occur in an active way or a passive way. It may be by exclusion, leaving people who are different out of  social groups and gatherings, not considering their views and experiences, outcasting them aside, calling them names and insulting them. Racism is demonstrated mostly in behavior and activities that reflect a dislike, abuse, violence directed to a certain community. Discrimination based on color, clothing, religion or culture is racism. A strong legal community is needed to protect people targeted by abuse. Learn more about Civil Rights Law at testmaxprep.com.

Discrimination haunts many people worldwide. It can make their life worse, full of pain and struggle. It not only breaks hearts but also wants to make people give up in progressing at work or socially. Loss of a job, loss of promotion, and such events can destroy morale. They can become reasons for venting out of everyday frustration and aggression. Legal systems are evolving all the time and in more advanced countries there are legal instruments of protection in place.

Many major religions rebuke racism. This is true in Christian teachings. According to the Corinthians 12.13 of the Bible:

For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body–Jews or Greeks, slaves or free–and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

Before we judge someone badly or do something cruel to someone, based on color, country of origin or an issue of appearance let’s take a minute and think. Would we like to be in their shoes? Please stand where they are. Would we like to be treated spitefully for no reason other than the way we appear? The answer is no. Then let’s not do something to someone that we wouldn’t like to happen to ourselves. Racism is a vice and it needs to be eradicated.

Speech on Martin Luther King

Read the Speech on Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King

I shall finish with the sage words:

“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
– Nelson Mandela (1994)