Speech About Easter

Easter reminds us of spring and rebirth. It’s also a great holiday to share time with friends and family. Many of us like to enjoy the celebration with Easter eggs and traditional Easter food. At the heart of Easter is an important Christian festival and celebration. Easter falls on the Sunday following the paschal full moon date. The paschal full moon date is the ecclesiastical full moon date on or after 21 March. Here’s a speech about Easter. The Collins Dictionary defines Easter as,

an annual Christian festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, held on the first Sunday after the date of the first full moon that occurs on or after March 21.

Speech on Easter

Speech About Easter

Yourdictionary.com expands on short definition, claiming there’s more to the celebration than the religious side with:

‘a more secular celebration with Easter baskets filled with candy, delivered by an Easter bunny.’

This is true but the candy which is adored by especially children, too, has religious significance. Chocolate Easter eggs (the candy) symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus Christ when the bible said he rose on the third day, cheating death.

Eggs, throughout the ages have also symbolized rebirth. In North America and Germany, children put out their empty baskets for the Easter bunny to fill while they’re asleep. The Easter Bunny almost fills the role of Santa Clause at Christmas. Children wake on Easter Sunday to find their baskets filled with candy eggs and other treats.

History.com says, decorating eggs for Easter is a tradition that dates back to, ‘at least the 13 th century, according to some sources.’  The popular History channel claims the reason is,  ‘that eggs were formerly a forbidden food during the time of Lent.’

Lent is a six-week period leading up to Easter and feels very much part of the Easter tradition. Lent is a solemn religious observance in Christianity that begins on Ash Wednesday and resumes for 40 days on Holy Thursday: the memorial of the Lord’s supper. During Lent, many Christians give up chosen luxuries and fast in order to replicate the account of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ’s march into the desert for 40 days.

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If you’ve grown up in Christian society you will often hear, for example, people say ‘I’ve given up for chocolate,’ or ‘I’ve given up smoking for lent.’  The tradition double’s up as a good reason to be kinder to the body, if only for a while.  Easter is always an enjoyable time in Christian schools. Today, even in many secular societies Easter is a celebration and is still marked by a week’s holiday, from school or people’s busy working lives. Nowadays, it’s often a time when families take their holidays.

Source: pexels.com

The religious celebration and message is at the heart of Easter. The resurrection of Jesus Christ whereupon the Bible says he died for our sins is the key focus of the religious celebration. The Bible, Luke 24: 6-7 says,

‘He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’

The New Testament claims the resurrection established Jesus as the Son of God and is cited as proof that God will righteously judge the world:

through faith in the working of God those who follow Jesus are spiritually resurrected with him so that they may walk in a new way of life and receive eternal salvation, being physically resurrected to dwell in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Nowadays, Easter is a great time to show loved ones you care by enjoying holiday time with them or buying them chocolate Easter eggs as gifts, especially for the children.

Easter is a fun time for children. Many lucky youngsters receive different types and sizes of chocolate eggs. Traditional games are sometimes played like the famous egg hunt where kids must solve a list of numbered clues to find each chocolate egg which are often hidden in family gardens or nearby parks. In short Easter is a joyous time for the whole family. Like Christmas there are several famous recipes that people love to eat at Easter: Perhaps the most famous treat are hot cross buns.

  1. Hot Cross Buns
  2. Roast lamb and carrots
  3. Pretzels
  4. Easter bread
  5. Smoked ham
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According to Food network Hot Cross Buns are made with mainly of: ‘dry yeast, flour, raisins, sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, ground ginger, egg yokes and vanilla extract are glazed,’ and adorned with simple crosses symbolizing the cross of Jesus. In Tudor times it’s thought that fruit buns were limited to treats for special occasions such as Easter
which is why this has become a common place for the cross. The famous marking is made with a simple flour and water mixture.

Roasted lamb dinner is a delicious tradition that many families partake of on Easter Sunday. It is said it actually predates Easter and is derived from the first Passover Seder of the Jewish people. However, in Western traditions the Easter Sunday dinner, Lamb is mentioned in many Christian stories and has become linked with Easter
due to the reference of Jesus being the sacrificial Lamb of God.

In the United States, boiled or smoked ham is much more common as the Easter dinner centerpiece, probably as it was much easier to buy during the last century.  Painted boiled eggs are always a treat for children on Easter day. In fact they are usually a tantalizing taster before chocolate eggs are handed out. The egg’s ability to give life to chicks symbolizes Jesus being reborn at Easter.

Speech on Easter

Speech on Easter

For hundreds of years, in Europe it has been the tradition to hand out pretzels at Easter time, especially to serve soft pretzels in the Lent period from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Pretzels are given a religious meaning as the looped bread is seen to symbolize the crossing of arms during prayer. They are also made without egg, sugar, butter, milk, cheese or meat, which historically were the common foods people abstained from during the Lent period.

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As for alcoholic drinks, the traditional Easter drink is a straight forward gin and tonic. The other tried and tested Easter tipple is a bottle of rose to usher in the spring and in colder climes and hopefully the sunshine for some. Some people prefer rum and whisky at Easter.

All said, Easter is a date to look forward to whether you are busy with the church or at home with family. During the Easter festival, you can enjoy a few more days off and relax. For the adventurous, you can travel further, get some stamps for your passport, and have a new experience or spend Easter Sunday taking a long walk or hike along a local nature trail and enjoy the start of spring.

Here are some Easter, Religious Poems:

Happy Easter!

Believe, believe in the power of love
To save us all from death and sin,
And God, that way your heart will move.

Christ came to Earth to free
us of The state of vengeance
we were in Believe, believe
in the power of love

To change the heart from snake
to dove, to make dust bloom and
goodness win And God that way your
heart will move


Love arrived,
Help saved,
Compassion brought,
Mercy taught,

Beauty filled,
Hope fulfilled,
Burdens lifted,
Grace Revealed,

Power soared,
Curtain torn,
Freedom breathed,
Again raised,

Jesus forgave,
Truth overcame,
Glory rose,
Light reigns

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