Tag: success
Marketing stands as the most powerful tool for business promotion and communication with consumers. Proper marketing helps increase sales and consumer loyalty and extend the coverage of a target …
In the competitive arenas of both sports and business, success is a multifaceted achievement that hinges not just on skill or knowledge, but critically on mindset. The journey to …
Ever found yourself staring at a textbook, hoping the information would magically imprint itself into your brain? We’ve all been there, haven’t we? But what if we told you …
Is procrastination one of the deadly sins? If you are not sure what I am talking about but have told yourself that you will look into this later, then …
The American dream is an idea, a concept that is as old as the first Europeans who beached their ships on American soil. As hard as that may be …
Self-confidence is essential to one’s success in life, that’s a given but what’s often lost in the translation is just how crucial is this self-confidence, one that can help …
The famous country and western singer, Dolly Parton came through many trials in her life; one of her encouragement quotes struck a chord with me. With these words, she …
Education is the process by which a person obtains knowledge and learns new talents and skills. Getting proper education is essential to achieving more success and happiness in life. …
In the words of John C Maxwell, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” Leaders are the people that make the …
Failure is something that we all encounter at some stage of our lives – some more often than others. I am sure that you have all heard the common …
True grit is what best characterizes determination; it is this desperate need to survive against all odds that make a person determined. And while it is a common trait, …
To persevere is to continuously try to attain your goal. Goals are certainly something we all strive towards at one point or another. The fact remains that during the …