Tag: brain
Athletes put themselves under a lot of stress and pressure. They tend to push the limits of their physical bodies. Especially when the discussion comes to professional athletes, they …
Happiness is a state of mind or so philosophy claims it to be and if you were to ask a scientist or a doctor about the same, he would …
If I were to ask each and every one of you to get up here and talk about “myself”, what would be the first thing that you would talk …
Organ donation is where you get to donate one of your organs to help your loved one combat a serious health issue which necessitated the organ donation in the …
Stress is a global killer and yes, it is quite insidious which is why you often do not notice the warning sign until it is too late to do …
We are all taught from a young age that to forgive is divine; the concept is so well entrenched in our society thanks to the various religious ideologies that …
The question that plagues most psychologists and psychoanalysts today is the one concerning what their world would have been like without the likes of Sigmund Freud in it? Thankfully, …
Fear, above all else, is indeed a powerful motivational tool; of course, it comes with its own negative connotations but the fact remains is that it is this fear …
Failure is something that we all encounter at some stage of our lives – some more often than others. I am sure that you have all heard the common …
Good sleep is important for our physical health and to rest our brains. Illness and stress can impinge on our chance of a good night’s sleep. Our activities can …
Alcohol is a strange substance. It is an intrinsic part of many cultures across the world and is increasingly being accepted in many more cultures on a global scale. …
Drunk driving kills more people each year than lightning; the fact remains is that as a society we often ignored this issue until it was late which is why …